c. szaklap kiadói gondozása
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Id. Ősz Árpád: Kőolaj és földgáz bélyegek (könyv)
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Szent Borbála, a Bányászok és Kohászok Védőszentje
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Selmecbánya városi és bányajogi kódexe
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MONTAN-PRESS Rendezvényszervező, Tanácsadó és Kiadó Kft.


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Book publishing

We undertake the publication of jubilee yearbooks, technical history and other books, annual bulletins on the basis of received manuscripts. We execute professional and linguistic consultant editing, graphical design, composition and up-making. We undertake the preparation of illustrations and photos, the complete implementation and the payment of authorial and other honorariums.

Please enquire at info@montanpress.hu or see our contact page for information about availability, shipping, costs and other details about the books below. The books are in Hungarian.

Some of the published books are:


NEWLY PUBLISHED: Árpád Ősz, Sr.: Petroleum and Natural Gas Stamps


„A person whatever he may collect will, indeed, seize his days in a more meaningful and colourful way"

Stamp collecting is one of the world's most popular pastimes. According to more surveys, more than 100 million people on Earth collect stamps. Being one of the collectors, the author of this book offers some selected pages of his thematic collection to the Reader. The book wishes to appeal not only to stamp collectors with its more than 1500 colourful stamps and its wide range of topics on 196 pages, but it also offers meaningful entertainment and experience to all, who view stamps without special philatelic expertise.


Represented topics:

  • Energy
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas
  • Geology – Mineralogy and Petrology
  • Geology – Paleontology
  • Geophysics
  • Geodesy
  • Drilling on land
  • Drilling at sea
  • Production on land
  • Production at sea
  • Transport on pipelines
  • Transport on tankers
  • Railway transport
  • Oil processing
  • Use
  • OPEC
  • States and Coats of Arms
  • Conferences
  • Labour Safety
  • Enviromental protection
  • Miner's Day – Good Luck!

The author and the publisher would like to thank MOL Nyrt. for its support.

The book is available in a limited number of copies at the publisher:


1027 Budapest, Csalogány u. 3/B
Tel.: +36 1 201 8083 * Fax: +36 1 225 1382
E-mail: info@montanpress.hu

or it can be ordered with COD (Cash On Delivery).

Price: 180 EUR + delivery/mailing cost

MEDIEVAL LAW BOOK OF THE TOWN OF SELMECBÁNYA (Codex of the Municipal and Mining Law of Selmecbánya), Hungarian/German facsimile edition

Codex des Stadt- und Bergrechts von Schemnitz

Publisher: Montan-Press Kft.,  Budapest, 2009

The Selmecbánya law book, the oldest among Hungarian municipal law books, was first formulated in the 13th century on the basis of the town’s privilege donated by King Béla IV. Although the original manuscript of the law book was destroyed, two versions of a later copy survived and are now kept in the Hungarian National Museum.

This book presents the version of the law book prepared during the first years of the 16th century in its original form with its Old German text and its Hungarian translation. There are two major parts to the book: the first contains the public and criminal law regulations of the town’s civil law, whereas the second part summarizes the provisions of the town’s mining law. Most of the provisions originate from the time of King Béla IV or even from earlier periods, but the law book also contains provisions which were only later attached to the old common law.

This book speciality with its elegant purple cloth binding, gilded inscriptions and protecting foil cover offers outstanding aesthetical value to the reader. The facsimile edition of the codex may serve as a unique and exclusive gift to individual or company buyers alike.

It is available in a limited number of copies at the publisher:

1027 Budapest, Csalogány u. 3/B
Tel.: +36 1 201 8083 * Fax: +36 1 225 1382
E-mail: montanpress@t-online.hu

or it can be ordered with COD (Cash On Delivery).

Price: 250 EUR + delivery/mailing cost

B4 size, coloured, bound in board, 60 pages

Dr. Zoltán Remport, The Iron Industry of Hungary on the Eve of the Industrial Revolution (1800-1850)




B5 size, bound in boards, 362 pages.
Price: 2940 HUF + delivery/mailing cost

Dr. Zoltán Remport, The Iron Production of the Carpathian Basin in the Era of Neo-absolutism (1850-1867)

Technical and economic historical monography.


B5 size, bound in boards, 196 pages.
Price: 2625 HUF + delivery/mailing cost

Gyula Kiszely, The History of the Hungarian State Iron and Steel Factory in Diósgyor (1867-1945)

Historical monography.



B5 size, bound in boards, 280 pages.
Price: 2100 HUF + delivery/mailing cost

István Gazsi – Mária Gyori, Writing Out and Interpreting Foreign Abbreviations (iron metallurgy and its borderlands)





B5 size, bound in boards, 190 pages.
Price: 2500 HUF + delivery/mailing cost

The Hungarian Gas Industry (1970-1998)




A4 size, coloured, bound in boards, 150 pages.

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